Our coaches are also volunteers, and usually a parent will nominate to coach their team. Please contact the committee via the secretary email [email protected] if this hasn’t occurred. We will try our best to find a coach for you.
Teams normally roll over from the previous year for registration purposes (except for the under 6s as they are new to the game!). If your child has a particular friend they may want to play with, please write the friend’s name or any personal preferences for team placement in the “Notes" section during registration.
Age groups can expand from one year to the next, and we try our best to accommodate each individual request. In the unlikely event that we are not able to do so, we will reach out to you to discuss the options available.
Our club colours are royal blue, black and white. We have club shorts and socks available for purchase at St. Agnes Uniform Store in Boronia Crescent, Port Macquarie.
Each players jersey is provided by the club each season, and will be given to the team coach with their training kit before the season commences.
Players will also need to purchase football boots and shin pads, which are available at any local sports store.
Once the teams have been registered, the team Coach will confirm the training session information. The Coach will need to submit a Field Booking Request to have an area and a time allocated for training.
Coaches please see coaching FAQ's for information relating to training sessions.
Registrations can be completed online at the Play Football website.
If you have any queries regarding registration, see our FAQs or refer to our registration policy.
Alternatively, you can contact the club via email at [email protected].
Registrations are not accepted or confirmed until full payment is received.
Please note that full associations fees are quoted on the registration pages, age discounts for Miniroos players will be applied at the registration checkout.
Please contact us so that we can assist you further.
Team registrations are processed by our Club Registrar. We encourage you to register individually as a coach and add notes in the registration preferences section of the form. Players will still need to submit an individual player registration.
Please also send an email to [email protected] with the player names and ages, along with your details so that a team can be created and allocated.
Most games are held at our Home Ground Findlay Park, where a field will be allocated to the game. The draw will also include some ‘away’ games throughout the season, which means your child’s team will have to travel to another club’s field to play.
Football Mid North Coast (FMNC) creates the draw (or calendar of games) for the season. This is done once the committee has confirmed the teams for each age group.
MiniRoos Club Football uses small sided games (4v4, 7v7 & 9v9) rather than the traditional 11v11 format to cater to 4-11 year olds. The smaller fields, modified rules and fewer players mean a more enjoyable game with more opportunities to touch the ball and more opportunities to score goals, once again increasing the likelihood of an overall positive experience.
Kids can start playing soccer the year they turn five, i.e. they must turn five in the calendar year. There is no age limit to playing soccer.
Yes, the club will keep your child in the same team as they progress through the age groups. If you would like to change teams at any time, just email the club and let us know.
Yes, you can request to play with your friends or to join an existing team.
Just email the club and let us know. If there is room available in the team, we will happily give you a place. However, preferences are given to existing team players returning from the previous year. If there is no room available in your requested team, the club will consider your request and do the best we can but cannot guarantee.
The club will not start allocating teams until registrations close in late February.
There is then a huge amount of information to process before we can confirm teams. We will aim to get your child’s team allocation to you two weeks prior to the start of training.
All Miniroos coaches and managers are parent volunteers.
We encourage active involvement of the parents in our community club and as such we encourage parents to coach their child’s team if they play in a Miniroo team. The teams will not be able to train or play unless a parent coach and manager volunteer to do so.
All players are required to have football boots (no metal studs) and shin pads to play. Your child will not be permitted to take part if they do not have this equipment.
Playing shirts are provided by the Club. You can purchase shorts and socks from St Agnes Uniform Store:
Located at 6 Boronia Street, Port Macquarie, next to St Agnes’ Primary School.
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday 12:00pm – 5:00pm
Saturday 9:00am – 12:00pm
All Miniroos games are held on Saturdays.
First games for the 2025 Miniroos season will commence on 5th April 2025. Miniroos teams will start training in the week beginning 25th March 2025.
Training times and allocations vary from year to year subject to numbers of teams registered across the club in various age groups, and at this stage training allocations cannot be confirmed until registrations for the season are closed.
This is a requirement under NSW Government Legislation.
Any organisation that provides services to children is required to have any and all volunteers registered with a valid Working With Children Check (WWCC). This is also connected to our ability to accept Active Kids Vouchers. Your WWCC will be verified as part of the registration process. You can apply for a WWCC through this link.
WWCC for any volunteer is free of charge.
If you are training your team at our home ground (Findlay Park), you will need to submit a Field Booking Request on our website where you can nominate the preferred training days and times for your team.
Please note field bookings are subject to availability and are allocated on a first in, first served basis. If you would like to train your team at another field, please contact us so that we can assist you further.
We have updated our website to include coaching resources and guides to assist you with team training days. Please refer to the Club Information tab of our website for additional tools to assist you. If you have any questions, or would like to register for a coaching information session, please email [email protected] and we will be happy to assist.